Vision with action can change the world. Creating the balance in power through empowerment.
Our aspiration is to create change for children and young people through combining lived expertise with professional expertise.
The ultimate use of power is to empower others

Inequality is bred through power. Individuals and groups feel powerless due to a world that has so many power imbalances. This has created financial, emotional, economical instabilities for many. Children and adults who have experienced the care system are controlled by many. They are controlled by the state, individual professionals, family, their emotions, their trauma, and society through stigmatisation.
The Vision’s aim is to remove the power imbalance between social care professionals and experts by experience. The ethos is to combine lived experience experts and social care professionals to create change for children and young people.
Social Responsibility
We are aware of the poor outcomes for care experienced people and other disempowered groups who have experienced trauma in their lives. In 2019, 25% of the homeless population are care experienced, 25% of the adult prison population are care experienced, 41% of 19–21-year-old care experienced adults are not in education, training, or employment and 50% of under 21-year-olds in contact with the criminal justice system are care experienced.
This is NOT ok & we need to do better.
The Vision aims to improve outcomes for children and young people through training, work experience, paid work opportunities & therapeutic support.

The Vision offers co produced and co delivered services to those caring and supporting children & young people.
This includes training, consultancy, inspection, reflective supervision, group work, team building, mentoring and theraupeutic support.
The Vision works with Associates with a range of lived experience and professional experience such as social work & therapeutic support.
The Vision's director has a 1st class honours degree in Social Work with over 10 years of experience supporting children & young people. This experience ranges from independent advocacy, residential services, social work, management roles & Ofsted social care regulatory inspection.